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Il court un marathon dans les 196 pays du monde

Nick Butter (à droite) à décider de participer à tous les marathons suite à sa rencontre avec Kevin Webber (à gauche). [Capture d'écran Facebook Running the World ]

Un Anglais de 30 ans est devenu dimanche dernier le premier homme au monde à courir un marathon dans chacun des 196 pays reconnus par les Nations Unies.

«J’ai couru avec mille personnes au Salvador, autour de volcans en éruption», a partagé auprès de CNN Nick Butter. Tant de bons souvenirs d'un parcours herculéen de 674 jours qu'il a achevé en Grèce, à Athènes. Il a franchi la ligne d’arrivée en compagnie de Kevin Webber, l’homme à l’origine de son pari.


Day 675 - THE FINISH LINE  — How it feels to cross the line - the speaking tour next year - and how it nearly didn’t happen. — I don’t mind admitting I had a cry today  - just quietly but a cry none the less. I looked out over the ancient city here in Athens and pondered all the stories, the people, the fear, the pain, the suffering, and the sacrifice over these last 675 days - I guess the tears were for the overwhelming feeling of relief more than anything, but also elation for actually making this happen, sadness that it’s over and pride in myself and the team. “I’ve done it” I said to myself. I’ve bloody done it. — There have been countless times when we thought it might not happen. Just 4 weeks ago I had a terrible call from my dad explaining the reality that lay ahead. My dad has been responsible for booking every flight and ensuring the overall plan to reach every country in time. This is a task I can’t even imagine taking on. Dad you’re a legend. — Dad called me and said “we have bad news I’m afraid - Iran have refused your visa, it’s now 95% likely that we won’t hit our finish date, if at all. I’m sorry”... he went on to say “Yemen have also refused the visa, someone has been shot and killed on the road you’ll be driving down in the next few days to gain access to Syria, and we have just 9 hours of wriggle room to make this work. You have 16 countries to go, 4 a week for 4 weeks, and even if we had this access to these countries sorted, the chances of something going wrong are high. I’m sorry son, I don’t know what to say, it really isn’t looking great.”. — The full story of how this was resolved and my finish date made possible is HUGE - No more space on this post. The book is out in April / May 2020 - If you want a copy early please email [email protected] — Similarly, if you’d like to hear all the tales of this epic adventure please contact [email protected] I’ll be visiting 100+ schools around the UK and Europe and 100+ other venues. Book your school, place of work or venue now. — #runningtheworld196 #runningtheworld #runtheworld #nickbutter #running #run #runner #travel #adventure #marathonguy #prostatecanceruk

Une publication partagée par Nick Butter (@nickbutterrun) le

Alors qu'il se préparait à entamer une course dans le désert du Sahara, Nick avait fait la connaissance de Kevin, atteint d'un cancer de la prostate. Le trentenaire britannique a donc décidé de participer à un marathon dans chaque pays du monde et de récolter de l'argent pour une fondation caritative, basée au Royaume-Uni, dédiée à la recherche sur le cancer de la prostate. 

75.000 euros pour une fondation caritative

L'ancien banquier est parvenu à récolter un peu plus de 75.000 euros. Sur son compte Instagram, il a également fait part de ses mésaventures durant cette (longue) route qui ne fut pas sans embûche : «J’ai été mordu par un chien, on m’a agressé, volé à coup de couteau, enfermé dans une cellule».

Mais les bons souvenirs et les anecdotes dominent. Comme cette fois où il a fait un marathon entier sur une piste d’aéroport. Avec 592 courses au compteur (il a couru son premier marathon à l'âge de 11 ans), l’Anglais comptait se reposer quelques jours, mais pensait déjà à repartir sur la route car il était déjà «vraiment impatient de courir à nouveau».  


Day 674 - Marathon 196 of 196! Greece Athens — I did it. I actually did it. Ha Against all odds. I ran a marathon in every country in the world Ha, I can’t believe it. A new world first and a new world record and big relief. Please donate if you can. Link in my bio! — I crossed my two year finish line today hand in hand with my brilliant friends - AND KEVIN WEBBER! As you know, Kev was my inspiration behind this journey, and he promised me he would stay alive to be here at the finish - I’m so pleased we could share today celebrating life, and this wonderful world we live in. Thanks to Kevin who changed my life for the better - I just only wish I could stop him dying from Prostate Cancer. Sadly not. We can stop other men dying though. Donate now. — I got by with a little help from my friends as the saying goes. In reality I was a very very small runner man in one giant network of wonderfully selfless, smart and determined people. — Thank you so much to all of the brilliant team, supporters, Prostate Cancer UK, family, friends, donors, random strangers, sponsors, airlines, security firms, visa offices, the UN, the British embassy, and of course YOU! A big thanks to @dosportlive who powered me around the world with their energy. — The story is not over yet my friends. Over the coming days I’ll tell you my big plans for wants next. 2020 is all about sharing the story in a huge UK and European speaking tour. If you would like me to speak at your SCHOOL or if you can help organise a talk at a VENUE near you please email [email protected]. If you want me to come and speak at your place of work or business please also get in touch. I have so much to share. — I’ll be showcasing my souvenirs from every corner of the world, all the photography, a preview of the documentary, and my photo book. The written account of this journey will be published by Penguin publishers in April/May ish. — Run far, run free, and do yourself proud. Thank you for all the support friends. — #runningtheworld196 #runningtheworld #traveller #runnerguy #nickbutter #inspiration #running #run #runner #travel #adventure #guy #globertrotter #hot #worldtravel #love

Une publication partagée par Nick Butter (@nickbutterrun) le

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